Sunday, November 30, 2008

Insurance policies

This is not really a an educational story, but one that reveals another gap in the care received by individuals with disabilities.

Old Glory Insurance

I just got this insurance its awesome I just thought I'd advertise for them. Heres there promotional video. There the only insurance that'll insure me against robots. For only 4 dollars a month.

Highlands Insurance Co. (UK), Ltd.

Company : Highlands Insurance Co. (UK), Ltd. Incorporated in the UK on 1974, Highlands Insurance Co. (UK), Ltd., began transacting insurance and reinsurance business in 1982 from Gloucestershire, England.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Life Insurance: Every Life Insurance Company Has Various Policies

One of the best ways to make sure that you are getting the right policy is to select a well qualified life insurance company. Every life insurance company has various policies that cater to people from all walks of life.

News - A holiday from national insurance

Gary Hull, an midland national life insurance company consultant from PricewaterhouseCoopers, says a rise in the uptake of the scheme will mean a higher cost to the Exchequer, but companies need ‘clarity’ on how they can use it.

Genworth Life Annuity Insurance Company, a Subsidiary of ...

Genworth Life & Annuity Becomes the Thirteenth Issuer in LaSalle Direct Access Notes® (DANs®) Program.

Mandated Health Insurance is Not a Good Thing

Late getting started this morning(afternoon). Paperwork and personal business catch-up time. Time billing submitted and so are expense reports. Personal finance all caught up and all the bills scheduled for payment.